
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Deaf patients sue Health service

Deaf people are entitled to the use of Sign language interpreters or other language services professionals in relation to accessing any essential services. 
With the huge savings that the public sector are currently being forced into making, the provision of interpreters may seem like an easy target, but this is certainly not the case.

In two separate instances reported in the USA this week, health authorities are being sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars for failing to provide sign language interpreters. 
The USA has the "Americans with disabilities act" and the "Rehabilitation act" which cover much of the same ground as the Disability & Equality act of 2010 does in the U.K.

Whilst huge fines should encourage public sector organisations to take their responsibilities seriously when it comes to the DDA, it must never be forgotten that one lapse (for instance, failure to provide a sign language interpreter) could cause a problem with diagnosis or prescription, which could have serious implications for the health of the deaf patient. An excerpt from the latest version of the DDA is as follows.

"The Disability Discrimination Act

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) gives disabled people important rights of access to health services and social services, such as doctors' surgeries, dental surgeries, hospitals and mobile screening units.
The anti-discrimination provisions of the DDA mean that your GP should not refuse to register, or to continue treating you, because of your disability.
The DDA also means that you have a right to information about healthcare and social services in a format that is accessible to you where it is reasonable for the service provider to provide it in that format.
For example, a hospital may provide forms and explanatory literature in large print or Braille to assist people with visual impairments, or arrange for an interpreter for someone with a hearing impairment."
There are many more items on deaf issues and  British Sign Language (BSL) in our website 

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Silent Sounds can help you save money!!

To NHS Procurement managers, we can help you to save money!!

In the tough economic situation we find ourselves in, it is important that we all do what we can to make sure that our budgets are being directed in the most productive way.

Silent Sounds UK Ltd are very aware of how difficult things are in the health service, and we have come up with some special measures to try to help NHS Trusts and PCT's save money on their interpreting services.

Please visit our website for information on how we are trying to help to reduce costs whilst still offering the highest quality British Sign Language (BSL) and other deaf communication

Monday, 21 March 2011

Do you have any stories on deaf UNawareness?

We have come up against all kinds of prejudices working in the deaf community, some of them from what many people would consider to be surprising sources. We have instances of medical professionals (and I use that term lightly!!) demanding that BSL interpreters only literally relay what is happening in an appointment, and not to interpret in any way. We have had them being rude to both the deaf patients and the language service professional, and in many cases treating them in a patronising and antagonistic way. 

In situations such as these, we will advocate that deaf awareness training is offered to the culprits in order that they will hopefully understand a little bit about what it must be like for the people that they are disrespecting. We all know about the good work that is done during deaf awareness week, but do you think it is about time that we launch a deaf UNawareness week?

This might be a good way for the deaf community to come forward with stories to highlight the many instances when they are not treated in a respectful, informed and dignified manner.

So come on everyone, send me your stories of deaf UNawareness, and we will see if they can be used to help raise understanding of the issues that the deaf community are facing on a regular basis!!
You can read more about deaf awareness and British Sign Language in our website

Helping the NHS save money

To NHS Procurement managers, we can help you to save money!!

In the tough economic situation we find ourselves in, it is important that we all do what we can to make sure that our budgets are being directed in the most productive way.

Silent Sounds UK Ltd are very aware of how difficult things are in the health service, and we have come up with some special measures to try to help NHS Trusts and PCT's save money on their interpreting services.

Please visit our website  for information on how we are trying to help to reduce costs whilst still offering the highest quality British Sign Language (BSL) and other deaf communication services.