
Thursday, 6 January 2011

Helping people in the deaf community get back to work

Just before Christmas, we published figures on the difficulties for deaf people in finding employment. We have received a lot of feedback from people in various sectors who were astounded by the inequities that our research threw up. 

Deaf people are 4 times more likely to be out of work than hearing people, will take 4 times longer to find work and will have to apply for 4 times as many jobs to be successful in their search for employment.

There are government initiatives in place that will help the employer to train and manage the needs of deaf people once they find employment. At present though there does seem to be a void that needs to be filled, for an organisation that can assist the deaf with successfully searching for jobs and helping them through the interview/employment process until they become established in their new roles.

If you are a deaf person seeking employment, or an employer that is interested in providing an opportunity for deaf candidates, or even if you have an idea for developing a service that can help deaf workers get back into employment, please contact us through our website

We are determined to ensure that deaf people are given every opportunity possible to find employment. Silent Sounds want to help, and would appreciate any suggestions that may help us to provide much needed employment support..

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